Monday, January 3, 2011

So,'s been a while.

It's been a long time since I've been able to do this. I've been busy, there's been holidays, and there's been a lot of stuff I've been trying to work out in my life.


We've now once again passed into a new year. 2011. It continues to blow my mind how fast a year goes by. 2010 was packed for me. In 2010 I

1. Went to Guatemala.
2. Graduated nursing school and passed my boards.
3. Turned 21.
4. Totaled my car and got a new vehicle.
5. Started a new job.
6. Went to Myrtle Beach and OBX.
7. Went to the mountains twice.
8. Had some great times with some great friends.

2011 has a lot to live up to. It also has the potential to be better than last year. Hopefully it will be! I want to have more adventures. I am also still searching for something that I'm good at, and something that I just enjoy doing. Maybe I'll find it this year!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Early morning thoughts....

If anyone knows me remotely well, they know that I am not (and never have been) a morning person. I typically hate the mornings. I hate waking up early to the point of nausea.

Every once in a great while, however, something in me wakes up early, and just loves it. I truly cannot begin to explain this feeling, because I don't understand it myself. How can someone who so passionately hate mornings, love to get up so early? Ever?

This is once such morning. It is currently 7:26 am, and I have been up for almost two and a half hours. What? Yes, you read that correctly. I woke up around 5:00 this morning, and I didn't have the urge to run to the bathroom and get sick.

I do have an explanation for this madness: I crashed on my aunt's couch around 10:00 last night, and I slept soundly. I often joke that if someone were to look at my sleep schedule, they'd swear I was a rock star. There are often times when I crash and burn on the couch, in my clothes, forgetting to brush my teeth. As gross as that is, doesn't it sound like rock star behavior?

So this morning I have been up reading. I first read 2 Timothy 4 (on my Blackberry) and I bookmarked 2 Timothy 4:18. I don't remember what it says from memory, but it definitely warrants a quick read.

After reading in 2 Timothy and checking my Facebook (and playing games on the internet to pass the time, to my shame), I went and got my novel that I've been reading for the past week. I'm currently reading "Eat Pray Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. Personally, I think this book has a lot of negative aspects going for it. The author writes it from the first-person perspective (it is about her own life after all), and she tells of how she left her husband, participated in an affair, and has these wild ideas about God (she takes a somewhat pantheistic approach).

Why do I stick with this book? To be quite honest Ms. Gilbert has a compelling literary style, and I love reading about her adventures in foreign lands. I'm currently aching for adventure, and to read about hers are actually kind of inspiring. Which gets to the heart of this post: inspiration.

I'm currently inspired to learn exactly who I am. I want to realize things about myself and keep them locked in a memory bank so I can one day share them with the people in my life that I care about. The other night I made a list of thirty things I know about myself, and I will perhaps post them sometime.

In the meantime, I'm going to end this rambling monologue, and get back to reading until my aunt and my mother wake up. Did I mention I'm in the mountains with my mom visiting family? Can this be an adventure? Definitely. (:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

So it might be lame of me to apologize for not posting when I only have two followers, but whatever. Sorry for not posting!

The truth is, I haven't been feeling a burning desire to write anything. Nothing is really changing a bunch in my life. The only change I can think of is that I'm coming off orientation at work. That's a somewhat scary change...nothing to get excited over (insert nervous laughter here).

Maybe I'll have something awesome to write tomorrow. Hope springs eternal (isn't that the phrase?). Until then!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Something cool God did today...

Okay, so just as the title suggests, God did something really cool for me today.

I was summoned for jury duty, and so was one of my best friends. We showed up at the courthouse and waited. Then, we hurried up to wait some more. In the end, neither one of us got picked to sit on the jury for the case. As it so happens, my friend and I have both had crazy busy schedules for a while, and we haven't been able to hang out. Ta-da! We were able to grab lunch at the Mexican restaurant and hang out for a bit today. It was awesome, and it was just what we needed. It's so cool how God looks out for us like that! :)

On a more random note (because that's how my mind works), Mirinda is the best orange soda ever. I first drank it when I was on a missions trip in Guatemala in January, and I looooove it! :) My awesome neighbor got me some the other day, and I just finished drinking it. Yummy, to say the least! :)

I'm getting ready to go to Bible Study, so this is just a little blip into how God is so good to me! Take care, world!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

So this is what I'm into....

I'm really into music.

I often will tell people that one of the best things I ever bought was my iPod. It is housed in a lovely case decorated with cherry blossoms and bumblebees that I bought in Myrtle Beach. I have a new pink pair of Skull Candy headphones that can often be seen on top of my head.

When I was little, my parents started me out on vinyl records (retro, I know). I have a deep appreciation for music from the past. I love oldies! Things then progressed to cassette tapes, CDs, and now my iPod. I currently have 2,073 songs on my iPod, and the number is growing all the time. That number doesn't even include all of my CD collection!

Since I'm so big into music, lyrics stick out to me a lot. I've compiled a list of some of my favorites, and I'm pretty excited about it. Maybe someone else will dig some of these!

"People want the truth but never want the scars" -Emery- After The Devil Beats His Wife

"I could follow you to the beginning just to relive the start; maybe then we'd remember to slow down at all of our favorite parts" -Paramore- All I Wanted

"But you're so busy changing the world, just one smile and you could change all of mine" -Jack Johnson- Angel

"Do you think I'm special, do you think I'm nice? Am I bright enough to shine in your spaces?" -OneRepublic- All The Right Moves

"And there were so many fewer questions when stars were still just the holes to heaven" -Jack Johnson- Holes To Heaven

"I knew I wouldn't forget you, and so I went and let you blow my mind" -Train- Hey Soul Sister

There's a bunch more, but these are my faves!!! :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

What is this place?

It's so weird to be an adult with a full time job!

I've been thinking about this place that I'm in for a while now. I'm done with school, I'm working full time in the career I've been trained's actually a weird place to be in. All I have done with my life is prepare, prepare, prepare. Go through public school to prepare for college. Go to college to prepare for a career. Go, go, go. Do, do, do.

And here I am: 21 years old, a job, no school, living at home with Mom and Dad, and single. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on anything here. I like living at home (most of the time). It saves me money, and I get along with my parents just fine. Single is okay, because I'm waiting for the one God wants for me. Things are actually pretty good, right?

Sort of. This is where the weird part comes in. Up until this point in my life, everything has changed and then changed some more. It was a change when I first entered my first relationship and had to get used to sharing so much of my time with another person. It was a change when that relationship failed and I realized that dating wasn't how I wanted to live my life. It was a change to graduate high school and go to college, and it was a change to go from an English major at a four-year university to being a nursing student at a community college. It was a change to graduate nursing school and start the career I had been training for.

Here I am on the other side of it all. I look back at all the growing I did as a person. It never seemed to end! And now? Now I feel stagnant. Now I feel like the changing is at a standstill and I'm just waiting.........for what? For Prince Charming to come and sweep me off my feet? For some kind of adventure that God has in store for me but I have no idea what it is? Both of these things would be great, but there is no sight of them happening right now. I would love to go on an awesome adventure with God (like when I went on a mission trip to Guatemala). I love to experience new things. It would be really awesome to meet the guy God has picked for me and be able to undertake a change in my personal life.

I'm not sure when God's timing will bring these types of adventures into my life. Patience is not one of my best characteristics, but I'm trying. I have to remind myself that God's timing is perfect, no matter how restless I become.

Here's some advice for anyone who is in college (or even high school): enjoy all the changes. Life is ever-changing and it is beautiful. But sometimes, there are times when life feels stagnant and void of changing and you have to just deal with it.

So here I am, trying to deal with it with my God. It is my prayer that I would learn something (or many things) in this time and that it would not just be an emo time for me to whine about how grass is greener on the other side.

Happy Labor Day!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

From My Journal...

Hey blog world!

Today I got to go to my church for the first time in two weeks. I missed everything about church desperately. My church family, Communion, fellowship meal, worship, everything. I was very happy to be where my heart yearned to be.

My pastor had special plans for this morning's service. There was going to be a special time of prayer and healing. This is pretty different from our normal service routine, and it kind of took me back to my Four-Square background. I was stoked to see how God was going to move.

What I'm about to write is actually taken from what I wrote in my journal during that special time of prayer and healing today. It shows what I was feeling in my heart and who knows, it might help someone. It will at least give you a glimpse as to how I felt.

"This morning at church, we're having a time of prayer and healing. It is beautiful to see members of my church family walking forward to get prayer for. My prayer for them is that they would receive the healing they seek.

As people went forward, I prayed quietly in my seat. I prayed God would give me discipline in my faith. I prayed that He wouldn't let me forget Him during work. I also prayed for my ♥future husband♥. God knows what I need in a man even if I don't."

Okay so that was really personal for me to share, but I'm real. I'm not going to sugarcoat my feelings just to put them out there. Tons of people from church went up and got prayed for this morning, and it was really awesome. I look forward to more awesome times at my church as I learn and grow in Christ.